Tuesday, July 29, 2008

0.0.5 Released

I just released Foxkit 0.0.5, you can get the source from the Google Code Page.

Right before the release I was working on trying to get windows/tabs opened by Javascript to work, but the changes were getting to the point of creating a lot of extra complexity and even then it was causing other functionality to result in seg faults so I ended up just reverting all the changes. Later I'll have to think some more about a better design that'll be able to handle this situation (unfortunately signals can't have a return value which I had forgotten).

Depending on how long that takes it might just be a release just on it's own, or if it's easier than I expect I might also work on trying to get error pages to work properly then release 0.0.6. For 0.1.0 I wanna get both the javascript tabs/windows working properly and error pages working okay, along with a couple more things I think up along the way.

Edit: Finishing the cmake files so that it'll actually install would be a good thing to also do :P Shouldn't really be that hard, just take some time looking through the documentation or some other project's files at worst.

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